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As of March 2022 there have been 96 projects submitted. This list will continue to be updated as projects are added or updated.

    Project Objective
  • 07: Support to DACs
  • 10: Preserve water quality
  • 14: Increase use of recycled water
Project Funding Area


Project Description

The project would consist of the installation of 12 to 18 inch sewer main and manholes from the waste water treatment plant on Auburn to the intersection of Air Expressway and Pearmain. Project would also connect new County HS that is built but not opened due to lack of County funding. However, if/when school does open, the current existing Adelanto sewer does NOT have enough capacity to convey projected school ww flows.

Lead Agencies

Adelanto City

Contact People

Brian Wolfe, City Engineer

Project Funding Area


Lead Agencies

Adelanto City

Contact People

Raymond Cordero

Updates & Comments

BOR Grant Award; Design In-Progress

Wastewater / Recycled Water
Adelanto Reclaimed Water Delivery Infrastructure
    Project Objective
  • 10: Preserve water quality
  • 14: Increase use of recycled water
Project Funding Area


Project Description

Adelanto recently completed expansion of wwtp from 2.5 mgd to 4 mgd. Put in place option to construct tertiary facilities if potential users of RW become available. Currently, the obvious downstream user is the City of Victorville and the HDPP power plant. This project is a feasibility study to consider options for expanding the wwtp to tertiary and evaluating potential rw users for viability both hydraulically and need.

Lead Agencies

Adelanto City

Contact People

Brian Wolfe

Wastewater / Recycled Water
Rehabilitation of Sewage Lift Station
    Project Objective
  • 10: Preserve water quality
  • 14: Increase use of recycled water
Project Funding Area


Project Description

Install new larger sewage lift station pit and pump station. Install new pumps and SCADA to same. Install new liner, SCADA communications. Work needed to prevent Sanitary Sewer Overflows.

Lead Agencies

Adelanto City

Contact People

Dave Kachelski
Brian Wolfe

JBWD CUWCC Compliance Project
Project Funding Area


Project Description

Urban water management planning requires planning, design and implementation of a variety of best management practices for the purposes of increasing conservation, educating the community on water issues, and reducing wasteful water practices. A large component of the proposed project is a system-wide leak detection program. Integrates Projects 39 and 99.

Lead Agencies

Joshua Basin Water District

Evaluate and consider potential modifications to the Judgment for the Baja Subarea
Project Funding Area

Colorado, Lahontan

Project Description

General Project Concept is to combine projects submitted in the IRWM Planning process regarding policy issues relating to the Mojave Basin Area judgment. Integrates Projects 2, 11R, 20R, 46R, 67R, 76R and 104.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Contact People

Jim and Ellen Johnson
Walt Brock
Dean VanBastelaar

Updates & Comments

Integrates Projects 2, 11R, 20R, 46R, 67R, 76R, and 104.

Baja Sustainability Initiative #1 (Agricultural Water Conservation and Base Annual Production Right (BAP) Acquisition Program)
Project Funding Area


Project Description

This Agricultural Water Conservation program will be accomplished through several different means. It includes components of a Voluntary program funded entirely from local, state, federal and/or water fee dollars that purchase base annual production rights (BAP) from stipulated parties under the Mojave Basin Area Judgment. All BAP will be purchased by the Mojave Water Agency and be permanently retired. Each producer’s percentage share of BAP will determine the eligible amount of BAP that can be sold to MWA. Also, a Crop Conversion program that would incentivize converting from water intensive crops like Alfalfa to other water efficient crops, with the ultimate goal of reducing costs to the point of making direct delivery of SWP viable and economically feasible. Integrates Projects 1, 10, 25, 55R, and 70R.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Contact People

Curt James

Updates & Comments

Integrates Projects 1, 10, 25, 55R, and 70R.

I 1005
Conservation & Education
Regional Demonstration Garden Program - Multiple locations
    Project Objective
  • 02: Improving regional water use efficiency
  • 08: Improve environmental stewardship
  • 12: Improve public awareness
Project Funding Area


Project Description

Construction of a variety of demonstration gardens to engage and educate visitors and communities in solutions for creating beautiful and environmentally smart landscapes. Design would include development aimed at local biomes, taking in climate and soil types, and the need to demonstrate gardening, smart agriculture, irrigation infrastructure, etc. These gardens would be similarly improved in regards to education and information availability, for example, signage, information kiosks, educational material, and QR readers. Integrates Projects 5, 23, 33, and 123.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency, Newberry Springs Community Services District, Victorville City

Contact People

Christy Huine
Linda DeLuca-Snively

Updates & Comments

Integrates Projects 5, 23, 33, and 123.

I 1006
Individual or Small System Improvements
Capital Water Main Replacement Program
    Project Objective
  • 02: Improving regional water use efficiency
  • 5: Optimize region’s water-related assets
Project Funding Area


Project Description

This project would include the replacement of 46,940 lineal feet of old; undersized steel water mains with that of PVC constructed water mains. During installation, new, properly spaced isolation valves and fire hydrants would also be installed along with service lines. Construction of this infrastructure would be in various areas within the Town of Yucca Valley. Integrates Projects 87-91.

Lead Agencies

Hi-Desert Water District

Contact People

Ed Muzik

Updates & Comments

Integrates Projects 87-91.

Baja Sustainability Initiative #2 (Baja Major Storm Diversion Network)
Project Funding Area


Project Description

A major storm event diversion network to capture storm flows and transfer them to retention ponds that could then be disbursed on the south side of the valley to help facilitate recharge and recovery in areas that are unable to receive any natural benefit from storm flows that run down the river. A reduction in the velocity of the storm flows could also greatly assist in the prevention of scouring Cady Riparian Habitat. This would also include investigation into the possible utilization of pit at Kewitt, possible installation of weirs and irrigation channels to divert flood waters to percolation ponds, injection wells. Integrates Projects 8, 9, 43, 47, and 75.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Contact People

Curt James

Updates & Comments

Integrates Projects 8, 9, 43, 47, and 75. Integrated with Storm Water Resources Plan (10/2017)