Board of Directors
MWA Board Members
The Board of Directors serves as the decision-making and policy-setting body for the agency. The agency has seven divisions, each represented by one Board member that is elected by the public to serve a four-year term. Led by the Board of Directors, community members are encouraged to participate in the Agency’s mission.
About the Committees
The Mojave Water Agency’s Board of Directors uses the committee format where in-depth discussion, debate, and deliberation occur on matters which the Board must decide. The committee does not vote on matters and only makes recommendations to the full Board. Committee members shall serve a term of one year or until such time as successors are appointed.
Legislative and Community Partners Committee
This committee meets at 9:30 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month and reviews items related to:
- AWAC & Conservation
- Community Partners
- Legislation
- Morongo Basin Pipeline Commission
- San Bernardino County Special Districts Association
Planning, Resources, Engineering and Operations Committee
This committee meets at 9:30 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month and reviews items related to:
- Basin Management
- Imported Water
- Infrastructure and Asset Management
- Water Management Planning
Personnel, Finance, Security and Technology Committee
This committee meets at 9:30 a.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month and reviews items related to:
- Personnel
- Technology and Security
- Finance
Morongo Basin Pipeline Commission
The Commission is comprised of five officials, one from each of the member entities of Improvement District M, including: Mojave Water Agency, County of San Bernardino Service Area 70, Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency, Hi-Desert Water District, and Joshua Basin Water District. This Commission addresses issues of interest to the residents in the Morongo Basin and pertinent to the Morongo Basin Pipeline project. The Commission meets quarterly beginning with February, May, August and November on the 2nd Wednesday of that month.
Technical Advisory Committee
This Committee to the Mojave Water Agency (TAC) is an independent, voluntary group of water purveyors, pumpers, and other interested parties located within Agency boundaries. The TAC meets in a public forum to discuss common concerns and acts to assist the MWA with technical, professional, economic, and community recommendations and counsel concerning policy decisions relating to management of water resources. The TAC also assists in determining the needs, desires, and financial capabilities of the MWA with respect to management of water resources and, upon deliberation, shall convey recommendations to the Board of Directors of the MWA. Additionally, the TAC serves at the Mojave Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Implementation Support Team (IST) as defined in the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. The committee typically meets the 1st Thursday of even months at 10:00 a.m. (subject to change)
MWA was appointed as Watermaster in 1993 pursuant to the Court Judgment which adjudicated the rights to pump groundwater in the Mojave Basin Area. The Watermaster’s main responsibilities are to monitor and verify water production for approximately 475 parties (1,700 wells), collect required assessments, conduct studies, and prepare an annual report of its findings and activities to the Court. Watermaster also acts as the clearinghouse for recording water transfers, maintains records for all such transfers, and reports changes in ownership of Base Annual Production rights to the Court. The Watermaster typically meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. (except April, June, August, November, and December unless needed).

Lead by the Board of Directors, community members, stakeholders and strategic partners are encouraged to participate in the Agency’s mission. Please visit our calendar page for a list of upcoming meetings and events.
Board Policies
The policy of the Mojave Water Agency is to maintain the highest ethical standards for its Board members. The proper operation of the Agency requires decisions and policies to be made within the proper channels of governmental structure, that public office not be used for personal gain, and that Board members remain objective and responsive to the needs of the public they serve. Accordingly, it is the policy of the Agency that Board members and Agency employees will maintain the highest standard of personal honesty and fairness in carrying out their duties. This policy sets forth the basic ethical standards to be followed by the Board of Directors of the Mojave Water Agency.
Board Policies
Meetings and events may be rescheduled from their previously scheduled time. Please check the Agency Calendar for the most current meeting information.