Explore Our Projects

As of March 2022 there have been 96 projects submitted. This list will continue to be updated as projects are added or updated.

Project Funding Area

Colorado, Lahontan

Project Description

This project uses educational and public outreach materials including yearly surveys to encourage a conservation ethic based on basin-wide understanding of the role and value of water and the effects of personal actions on supply and demand. The project encompasses (but is not limited to) materials, teacher training, classroom visits and student and community activities related to water wise gardening, invasive plants, sheet flow (erosion from poor flood control management or removal of native vegetation), septic systems, many behavioral choices, recharge opportunity/necessity, and how the safety and quality of tap water is maintained.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Project Funding Area

Colorado, Lahontan

Project Description

Wellhead treatment for groundwater sources with elevated radionuclides (Gross Alpha, Uranium). Project components include studies to determine treatment methods available and specific to systems with no access to sanitary sewer for reject waste streams, cost/benefit analysis of methodologies, cost analysis of operation/maintenance of systems and capital construction costs. Could include research of new treatment methodologies to meet challenges associated with rural areas (low overall production, lack of sanitary sewer for reject water (brine) disposal).

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Project Funding Area

Lahontan, Colorado

Project Description

Need a quality of water for the many that cannot afford to replace a well on their own wells will start pumping mud when the depth of the well is no longer efficient for the water table

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Project Funding Area


Project Description

Review existing water systems, plan new system, prepare construction plans

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Updates & Comments

Inactive project as Liberty Utilities purchased Yermo CSD water system

Project Funding Area


Project Description

Replace Yermo Hellbro water tank. It is leaking. Multiple repairs no longer repairable. Only storage tank on part of system.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Updates & Comments

Project described as implementable, but no info on costs or status. Need program preferences. Inactive project as Liberty Utilities purchased Yermo CSD water system

Project Funding Area


Project Description

Replace Marine Two water storage tank. It is leaking & cannot be repaired. This is the only backup for the Marine One.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Updates & Comments

Project described as implementable, but no info on costs or status. Need program preferences. Inactive project as Liberty Utilities purchased Yermo CSD water system

    Project Objective
  • 5: Optimize region’s water-related assets
Project Funding Area


Project Description

Increase of 1 MG in water storage capacity to ensure adequate emergency storage (current 250k deficit).

Lead Agencies

Hi-Desert Water District

Contact People

Tony Culver

    Project Objective
  • 07: Support to DACs
  • 10: Preserve water quality
  • 14: Increase use of recycled water
Project Funding Area


Project Description

The District’s Wastewater Reclamation Project has been determined to be the most viable method of ensuring the Town’s compliance with the Regional Board’s adoption of the septic tank discharge Prohibition. The project will provide centralized treatment of wastewater generated within the Town at a level consistent with that of the local discharge requirements of both the Regional Board and the CDPH. Wastewater will be collected and conveyed through a series of pipelines that make up the WRP’s collection system. Once delivered to the treatment facility, the treated wastewater will be discharged into the East Hydrogeologic Subunit of the Warren Subbasin providing a future source of extractable groundwater.

Lead Agencies

Hi-Desert Water District

Contact People

Tony Culver

    Project Objective
  • 04: Reduce reliance on Delta
  • 14: Increase use of recycled water
Project Funding Area


Project Description

Two scalping facilities that will treat liquids from existing collection system and reuse for irrigation purposes. Once complete, each facility will be able to process up to 1 million gallons per day (MGD) with the opportunity to expand each to 4 MGD.

Lead Agencies

Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority

Contact People

Logan Olds

Updates & Comments

2004 RWMP (VVWRA Subregional Wastewater Treatment Plants).

    Project Objective
  • 01: Balance future water demands
Project Funding Area


Project Description

Construct an Arsenic and Fluoride Treatment System for Potable Well 8A, 5A and 4. Wells are in violation of current EPA MCL’s.

Lead Agencies

Adelanto City

Contact People

Brian Wolfe

Updates & Comments

Inactive Per Brian Wolfe 2/18/2020