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As of March 2022 there have been 96 projects submitted. This list will continue to be updated as projects are added or updated.

    Project Objective
  • 09: Improve floodplain management
  • 10: Preserve water quality
Project Funding Area


Project Description

Design and construction of a reinforced concrete storm water debris interceptor where Buckthorn Wash bisects the Silver Lakes Golf Course. Approx. size (LWD): 60′ x 10′ x 6′

Lead Agencies

Silver Lakes Association

Contact People

Kimberly Cox

Updates & Comments

Local funding

    Project Objective
  • 04: Reduce reliance on Delta
  • 5: Optimize region’s water-related assets
Project Funding Area

Colorado, Lahontan

Project Description

Conceptual program with an overall goal to make the best use of the Region’s State Water Project resources for maximum benefit to the Region. This would be an ongoing program with many possible elements and would explore a variety of opportunities to achieve the goal, including transfers, exchanges, purchases and sales of SWP water in concert with conjunctive use, groundwater and surface water storage programs, etc.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Contact People

Kathy Cortner

Project Funding Area


Project Description

Construct a Water treatment plant to treat State Water Project Water and deliver directly into the potable R3 water delivery system. This can be done instead of pumping groundwater wells.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Contact People

Darrell Reynolds

Project Funding Area


Project Description

Project to retain storm flows in Hondo Wash and other drainages in the area to enhance percolation potential into Ames groundwater basin (Pipes Subbasin) and provide a mechanism for flood control that does not currently exist. Includes studies to determine quantities of flow that could be captured annually, engineering feasibility for retention and percolation, and environmental impact overview (Initial Study). Water could be retained behind shallow berms or even dam structures along narrow sections of the wash. Water that is successfully captured and percolated minimizes downstream flood damage from scouring and preserves a resource that is otherwise wasted (flows to dry lake bed for evaporation).

Lead Agencies

Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency

Contact People

Marina West

Updates & Comments

Integrated with Storm Water Resources Plan (10/2017) Inactive per Marina West 02/14/2020

Project Funding Area


Project Description

Design and Install SCADA system to automate the acquisition of data and provide centralized control of well pumps, reservoirs, booster stations, flow meters and security monitoring (intrusion monitoring) of the water system. Project would include evaluation of various SCADA products and communication protocols.

Lead Agencies

Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency

Assistance Program for Small Drinking Water Systems
Project Funding Area

Colorado, Lahontan

Project Description

Program would identify water supply, water quality and infrastructure needs of small drinking water systems within the IRWM Region and help connect them to available funding by identifying funding sources, assisting with grant applications and paperwork, etc. Sources of funding could include State and Federal funds from a variety of programs designed to help small systems.

Lead Agencies

Mojave Water Agency

Contact People

Matthew Howard
Joy Chakma

Individual or Small System Improvements
Twentynine Palms Fluoride Treatment Plant Expansion
    Project Objective
  • 01: Balance future water demands
  • 03: Maintain stability in overdrafted groundwater basins
  • 10: Preserve water quality
Project Funding Area


Project Description

The District maintains a fluoride variance from DPH due to naturally occurring, high levels of fluoride in the groundwater, the District’s only source of supply. The variance expires in ten years and additional source development is needed to mitigate the water quality changes. In the Mesquite Springs aquifer of the Twentynine Palms Groundwater basin, a second Fluoride Treatment Plant is needed for system redundancy. Project engineering will determine the size and volume of the plant that will produce the most cost-effective results for additional source development within the aquifer, protecting safe yield and preventing drawdown of the Indian Cove and Fortynine Palms aquifers.

Lead Agencies

Twentynine Palms City, Twentynine Palms Water District

Contact People

Ray Kolisz

Project Funding Area


Project Description

The Regional Water Quality Control Board (Colorado Region) has adopted a septic rule in order to comply with the State Recycled Water Policy. In order to protect the groundwater quality within Twentynine Palms, the Groundwater Protection Plan has identified a Septic System Management Program for monitoring and maintenance of the community’s only supply of water, groundwater. Indoor conservation and the reduction of outflow to septic systems will be a significant focus of the septic maintenance and informational outreach goals.

Lead Agencies

Twentynine Palms Water District, Twentynine Palms City

Contact People

Ray Kolisz

Individual or Small System Improvements
Water Infrastructure Restoration Program: Pipeline Installation/ Replacement Project
    Project Objective
  • 07: Support to DACs
Project Funding Area


Project Description

The existing BDVWA infrastructure has deficiencies which prevent it from meeting fire flow due to heavy reliance on 6-inch water mains and Class B fire hydrants; an inability to refill most reservoirs overnight after a 500-gallons per minute fire; and inefficient operation of two zones (E-2 and E-3) due to the manner in which they were originally constructed. Project would improve pressure, fire protection and public safety.

Lead Agencies

Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency

Contact People

Marina West

Project Funding Area

Colorado, Lahontan

Project Description

The Water University Program is a comprehensive educational and outreach program targeting teachers, real estate professionals, the business community, as well as the general public. This four-component program would offer curriculum for teachers to use in their classrooms for use in science and social studies classes. The second education component targets Fire Departments with education materials and presentations for greater water efficiencies. The third component targets businesses and the real estate community with water conservation information including native landscaping tips, and free water savings devices for the home including sprinkler nozzles, shower heads, etc. The fourth component targets irrigation supervisors and contractors by offering a certificate program in water efficiency. This component would include regular workshops and education materials. The final component is aimed at homeowners to better educate them on water conservation. This component includes an Annual Water Expo with demonstrations, information, workshops, and free giveaways including moisture meters, nozzles, showerheads, etc.

Lead Agencies

Alliance for Water Awareness and Conservation

Updates & Comments

Need Water Use Efficiency Strategic Plan or Water Conservation Plan data to determine how much water would be saved.