MWA Spring Training Workshop

Jun. 04, 2024 | 9:00 am - 3:30 pm


Phone Number: 8008330322

Mojave Water Agency

California Rural Water Association in partnership with Mojave Water Agency (MWA) and in support of the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan is offering a series of no-cost trainings designed to enhance your knowledge of the water industry.

thumbnail of MWA Spring 24 Schedule Flyer – Source Water Protection. MB. docx

**Please bring a laptop if you have one. We will be assisting with source water protection planning.**


A Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) is a voluntary document, created with the assistance of members of the community, that lists potentially contaminating activities (PCAs) within drinking water source protection areas and provides specific recommendations to manage potential threats to maintain good quality drinking water. An implemented SWPP helps to protect drinking water sources and provides guidelines for monitoring land use within protection areas surrounding drinking water sources.


The planning document considers past, current, and future land uses in the watershed when determining its actions. A SWPP must have buy-in from the agencies who will implement its strategies, and it must be routinely reviewed and updated to remain current and viable.


The source must be managed so that the source will meet the utilities’ quantity and quality needs in the present and in the future. Proper operation and maintenance of the water source are critical to the protection of public health.


This learning plan delivers brief, concise background information linked to specific step-by-step procedures


Registration Link: